jurassic museum


Jurassic Museum



侏羅紀在台灣 Jurassic@Taiwan


Diamonds airlifted across many leagues from Russia; emerald ore imported from Colombia; countless other types of brilliant gemstones . . . stepping into Jurassic Jewelry’s headquarters in Nankan , Taoyuan City, the experience is not unlike venturing into a Hollywood scene.


Lapidaries work to the side, grooming gemstones for the perfect moment to reveal their brilliance; expert appraisers, busy grading cut gemstones, are shuttered in a secure room; colored diamonds, rare in their beauty, are carefully carted past by bustling salespeople. Our business spans across the Pacific, from Taipei, Beijing and Tokyo to the Big Apple. This could not be accomplished without the hard work from our professionals at HQ.

為一抹璀璨走遍世界 Traversing the world for a glimpse of brilliance


Captivating pieces of jewelry lounging in store front displays; entrancing diamond rings adding the final touch to romantic story arcs in movies . . . people seem to habitually equate jewelry with glamour and luxury. However, here at Jurassic Jewelry, we see the perseverance and struggle behind all the pizzazz. 


We venture into mines in more than sixty countries and participate in auctions around the world, all for the sole purpose of finding and securing those rare stones that are scattered across the globe.


Be it goldsmiths carefully setting jewels and developing the casting plan with designers, or lapidaries polishing the final emerald of a bracelet, every piece of jewelry has undergone numerous levels of evaluation during its creation. Only through this process can they be seen as a masterpiece of jewelry, and only by following our principles can we be confident in our work.

建立珠寶產業的垂直整合 往百年品牌前進 Establishing vertical integration in thejewelry industry; advancing towards a centurial brand

無論是由原礦的進口、透過自有寶石切磨部門進行打磨,一直到設計師的靈感發想,最後由熟練的金工團隊完成作品,侏羅紀珠寶不只將珠寶產業當中的所有作業流程垂直整合,更引進以色列、全世界數一數二的EGL 鑒定團隊,並投資於珠寶鑑定所需的高階儀器,讓在台灣本地鑑定珠寶,就能得到國際認證證書。所以能保證侏羅紀的產品也得到嚴格把關。

We import raw ore ourselves. Our lapidaries fashion the stones. Our designers develop the concepts. Our goldsmiths incorporate everything to complete the piece. Jurassic Jewelry has not only integrated every procedure in the jewelry business, but also introduced atop-notch EGL certification team into Taiwan. We invested in high-end equipment for jewelry certification, allowing procurement of international certifications right here in Taiwan. This guarantees the quality of our product.



Brands today choose to focus on the management of sales operations. Yet we still choose to invest massive resources in jewelry appraisal and craftsmanship. Why? Because only through an integrated service can we conduct the strictest quality tests, and offer the most complete guarantees to our customers. Jurassic strives to become a centurial jewelry brand in Taiwan — not just through digging up valuable gemstones across the world, but by boosting jewelry craft to artistic levels, and thus transforming jewelry into something that deserves to persevere. 

為求每一件呈現於消費者面前的產品,都擁有最好的品質且做到嚴格把關,作為台灣珠寶界「隱形冠軍」的侏羅紀,曾經為求完美而將一顆來自莫三比克二十克拉的原礦打磨至五克拉的最佳狀態。也是這樣的堅持,讓侏羅紀珠寶能夠在惡性競爭的產業環境下脫穎而出。雖然品牌曾經在2017 年11 月因世貿珠寶竊案而蒙受巨大損失,但自創立以來就以成為百年珠寶品牌而努力的侏羅紀珠寶仍舊挺過危機。持續開設全新據點的侏羅紀珠寶,秉持著分享的精神更開設了各種珠寶鑑賞課程,持續為台灣的珠寶產業、生態而努力。

To ensure the quality of every piece presented to customers, Jurassic, the “hidden champion”of Taiwanese jewelry,once fashioned a Mozambican twenty-carat stone into its perfect form of five carats. It is this kind of dedication to quality that allowed us to emerge from the cesspool of cutthroat competition. Although we suffered great losses due to the Taipei Jewelry and Gem Fair diamond robbery in Nov. 2017, we persisted through the crisis. The continually expanding Jurassic Jewelry has also organized many jewelry appraisal tutorials, hoping to enrich Taiwan’s jewelry scene. 

We additionally established the Jurassic Museum to present gemstone knowledge in complete form, and to make jewelry,art--and art, life.

In addition to relaxing exhibition spaces,we also arranged numerous jewelry 
appraisal lessons, allowing members of the public who are interested in jewelry 
to broaden their knowledge.

To let more people glimpse the beauty of jewelry, and therefore gain deeper 
insight into jewels. To let Jurassic ‘s colored stones enrichen the colors of our life.